The contour memory foam pillow is designed with a slight dip in the middle to reflect the curve of your upper spine and neck. This innovative pillow design supports your neck and encourages natural spine alignment by allowing your head to rest in the hollow.

What is a contour pillow good for?

Cradling your head and neck while you sleep, this type of pillow provides support and comfort. In addition to reducing snoring, contour latex pillows relieve neck and shoulder pain.

What is the difference between traditional and contour pillows?

Compared to traditional pillows, contour memory foam pillows offer many advantages. Due to their ability to adapt to the shape of the head and shoulders, they are more comfortable. While sleeping, this kind of pillow doesn’t push your head upward, but rather adapts to your sleeping position

Are contour pillows the best?

Those who sleep on their sides and backs, or who switch between the two positions, benefit from contour pillows. Extra neck support keeps the spine aligned for both side and back sleepers. A contour pillow prevents side, back, and combo sleepers from experiencing pain or breathing problems during the night.

They are proven to reduce lower back pain, muscular tension, hip stress, and joint pain. Side sleepers benefit from them because they align their pelvis and spine. Full-body contour pillows are also available.

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